Apex Dallas Court Reporting provides Advanced technology and equipment enabled CART services in almost any setting. Which is called Onsite Cart. Following an event, captioned proceedings may be made available in electronic format. Our CART professionals are trained to convey the total experience, including such things as gestures, laughter and surrounding sounds in the captioning. This is crucial for the hearing loss community, particularly in crowded or fast-paced speaking environments such as annual general meetings, hearings or informal settings with multiple participants.
Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART), or captioning as it’s also known, is a process whereby a CART provider or stenographer, using a steno machine, notebook computer and Realtime software, provides instant word-for-word speech-to-text translation for display. In order to furnish a highly readable English translation, our CART providers (stenographers) possess shorthand speeds of well over 225 words per minute, with a general accuracy level of 99% or greater and are fully educated on the Deaf, deafened and hard of hearing culture.
About Dallas Court Repoters we provide nationwide court reporting services from our New York offices located in the Empire State Building and additional offices in Beverly Hills, San Diego and Long Island. We offer our local and nationwide conference rooms for meetings, corporate events and depositions for our clients. Many of our locations also provide deposition video-conferencing capability. We have hundreds of Court Reporters, Real-Time Reporters with many years of experience available to handle all of your Court Reporting needs. Our experience in Captioning & CART Services ensures you receive the best quality products and services with fast delivery to meet all of your programming, event and educational deadlines.